Houston CHron

Kickstart Kids Makes Houston Chronicle Cover Article

Kickstart Kids was featured on the cover of the latest Houston Chronicle album featuring Frank Black Middle School and Burbank Middle School of Houston ISD covering their impact on students in Texas with their life-changing program that teaches character through karate. 

You can read the whole article at https://www.pressreader.com/usa/houston-chronicle/20200106/281487868279438.

Here's a snippet:

When Esperanza Gutierrez’s fifth-grade class visited Burbank Middle School, a field trip designed to acclimate students with their next campus, she became mesmerized by an unexpected sight: dozens of kids performing karate.

Gutierrez, then a student at Houston ISD’s Berry Elementary School, watched a Burbank demonstration team move with power and precision, wondering if she could one day don their uniforms and belts.

“When I first saw it, I was like, ‘How did that do that? That’s awesome!’” Gutierrez said.

Houston Chronicle Link - https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/education/article/Houston-ISD-middle-schoolers-learn-self-defense-14923218.php#photo-18788887


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